EZ-Vape Battery Safety 101 Guide
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DON’T ever trust a charging source to not overcharge a battery (Including internal batteries charged via USB!)
This is strictly a safety precaution as batteries heat up when they are being charged and one shouldn’t trust their charger not to potentially overcharge a battery, even if it has a cutoff.
DON’T ever paint, modify or take apart your batteries, this can be rather dangerous.
NEVER remove the wrapping from a battery or use a battery with damaged wrapping where you can see the exposed metal of any kind. An unwrapped or damaged battery is guaranteed to be a potentially dangerous battery. Inspect your batteries! If you are unsure, it’s best to get NEW batteries or have an experienced individual re-wrap your current batteries.
NEVER keep extra batteries stored without a case or carry them loosely, a single piece of metal touching the contacts of a battery can cause it to discharge in your pocket.
(Buy a Battery Case!)
NEVER use off-brand, unmarried batteries. ALWAYS use the same brand, same aged and same exact model of batteries together!
NEVER charge your batteries at a rate you aren’t sure they are safe with. 18650’s should be charged at 1.0A, 26650’s should be charged at 2.0A and one should only use the same kind of USB cord as that which came with your device in the case of USB charging.
NEVER leave charging batteries unattended for long periods of time. (Including internal batteries being charged via USB!)
NEVER blindly place batteries in your device, always ensure you are properly installing them and NEVER place batteries in a device/charger backwards or improperly!
NEVER place batteries near or on top of any kind of metal objects, such as a table, laptop or freezer!
DO inspect your batteries and their wrapping for any damage EVERY TIME you remove them, only ever use a battery you KNOW is pristine and safe.
DO remove your batteries/device from the charger once the charger or device indicates that the cells are at full capacity.
DO if you use a multi-battery device, STORE AND USE batteries in PAIRS. This is called “Marrying” your batteries, from day one when you get new batteries always exclusively use and charge those batteries together with only one another and ONLY with the same device you initially put them in, this ensures your batteries are aged the same to ensure steady output and prolong life.
Are Batteries and Vaporizers Dangerous?
Battery technology has moved forward and many safety measures have been implemented and the culture of vaping has set standards and only recommends specialized, high drain batteries that have been standard now for quite a few years and AUTHENTIC, HIGH-QUALITY batteries 99% of the time don’t just randomly compress their contained energy and explode anymore. And in the rare cases, that they do, human error is to blame.
Common sense is your best ally when it comes to electronics of any kind, don’t place your batteries next to a sink, don’t place them on a steel or metal table or surface, keep them dry and away from metal objects. Don’t remove any of the plastic wrappings from your battery, if you see any exposed metal or cuts in the wrapping of your battery, be cautious and get a new battery or re-wrap it.
We cannot stress enough that one uses common sense when it comes to vaporizers.
The truth is that the battery cells used with e-cigarettes are very, very similar and in many cases, the exact same as you will find in cell phones, tablets and electronics across the world. Most laptop battery packs even use multiple 18650 style batteries in their internals to provide power to your laptop, as do most things that use battery packs such as construction tools.
The most commonly used batteries in vaping for GOOD REASON (Due to their High Drain Rate due to their chemical makeup and better “Amperage Rating” which we’ll cover below.) by far are the 18650 and 26650 batteries. What is the difference? Simply: it’s the size of the battery itself, much like an AAA or AA battery, for example, the 26650 is bigger than the 18650.
Other than that, however, two different models of a battery can be different in regards to capacity and Amperage Rating, which is how much “load” or “strain” the battery has been rated to endure safely and they can also differ in voltage and chemical makeup which is important. (This applies to all forms of internal batteries as well.)
Although nowadays, all of these details aren’t as pressing as they used to be as battery technology has moved forward and many safety measures have become standard.
You may have noticed most devices have holes or air vents that go to the battery compartment of the device, this is for a safety measure called “Venting”. Batteries are made with a protection system where if there is any intense temperatures, shorts or problems, the battery will “Vent” it’s chemicals and starts smoking to release the pressure within the battery instead of potentially building pressure, that might make the battery explode.
Most electronics that we mentioned before such as construction tools, phones and tablets with their batteries, sometimes lack this protection. And in conclusion, there is nothing magical or unknown, or otherworldly that makes the proper specialized batteries, used properly by the user in a personal vaporizer that makes a vaporizer anymore dangerous than ANY OTHER battery powered device you use in your day to day life.
The warnings provided on this page are for your safety and we just want to reassure you that batteries are not inherently dangerous if handled PROPERLY with a mind to COMMON SENSE. Would you take the battery out of your phone and put it in your pocket full of change or toss them into a pool of water?
This is a danger even with more common batteries such as AAA, AA, C batteries. If you do this, it’s not the battery that is flawed.
So if you happen to make a battery Vent and you start seeing smoke, this is what you should attempt to do if that panic-inducing tragedy does happen (It’s rare nowadays for anything but human error to cause this, however.)
The whole idea is to treat it like a grenade. But I want to assure you, it is NOT A GRENADE.
If it was going to explode, it wouldn’t be smoking. It would have ALREADY EXPLODED. But, really once batteries are doing this logic goes out the window.
- ISOLATE IT FROM OTHERS DO NOT INSPECT IT! It’s now a loaded gun, not a toy or a piece of hobbyist equipment anymore. Leave that for AFTER you know it is safe!
- FIND THE NEAREST EXIT AND LEAVE THE BATTERIES/DEVICE OUTSIDE (NOT IN RAIN OR WATER but, if it’s raining outside you toss it out the window only if its safe enough to do if it’s the only option AND GIVE IT AN HOUR EVEN AFTER IT STOPS SMOKING!
- If there are FLAMES, DO NOT PANIC and CONTINUE TO ISOLATE IT, DO NOT TRY TO SUFFOCATE OR DOUSE THE FLAMES. Protect your hands, whatever you do don’t set the device down on a metal surface at any point during this.
Make sure before attempting to investigate what went wrong that you have given it ample time for the batteries to Vent, the device and batteries to cool down after venting and patiently waiting long after such. When you go to remove the now likely destroyed batteries, take a safety precaution and ground yourself by touching a large piece of metal before attempting to remove them.
If you have any problems or are skittish to do this, or simply cannot, get an experienced person to do so and get an experienced eye on what happened to realize what went wrong.
Remember, a Venting vaporizer battery is an intended safety precaution that is being done to AVOID an explosion, which is not a luxury you have with other electronics. People make mistakes with technology and this is to be expected, but we would take a Venting battery over a lethal battery such as your phone that might explode before it even smokes, every day of the week.
So, as you might expect, with interchangeable battery devices, your choice of battery is an important factor in the way you vape, different batteries drain at different rates and hold different amounts of current.
Below is a snippet from the Vape 101 Page, explaining lightly the different specifications and options of batteries.
What are the Characteristics of Vaporizer Batteries?
From the Vape 101 Page
mAh, or “Milliampere Hours” in simple terms is the capacity of the battery, the higher the mAh of a battery the more energy it contains at a full charge.
Amperage Rating or “Amps” is simply how much “load” or “strain” the battery has been rated to handle and relates to OHMS LAW. To figure out how much you are straining your batteries, input your atomizers resistance and your devices set wattage/voltage into an OHMS LAW CALCULATOR. (Discussed Below).
Generally, the higher the mAh of a battery the lower the Amperage Rating, meaning the battery can take less electrical abuse BUT you need to charge or swap batteries less often. Or in reverse, the battery can handle more electrical abuse safely but you will be charging or swapping batteries more often.
There are two Amperage Ratings, one is the “Constant” Amperage Rating which is how many Amps a battery can handle CONSTANTLY (Firing constantly aka holding the fire button. This is what is displayed commonly.)
In Mechs, the second form becomes important; the second Amperage Rating is “Pulse” Amperage Rating which is how many Amps a battery can handle in PULSES! (In other words, Quick Pules / Non-Continuous Firing.)
Voltage in relation to batteries is simply what the Maximum or sometimes the “Optimal” Voltage at full charge is for a given battery. This only matters if you are using an unregulated device. Most 18650’s are 4.2 volts at Maximum charge and have an “Optimal / Nominal” Voltage Rating of 3.6 – 3.8 Volts which is the “Halfway Charged” point.
This doesn’t entirely cover all the technicalities of batteries but should provide you with enough of a starting point that if you buy authentic batteries from authentic distributors such as Sony, Efest & Samsung from authentic businesses (such as us!) and you have checked what your Amperage and mAh needs are and so long as a battery is rated 20A (Continuous / Constant) and above, choosing a battery for yourself shouldn’t be too hard.
But please look at the Ohms Law section below and understand Ohms Law before working with an RDA / RTA as your main setup and if in doubt, ask at any of our Locations!
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